Poetry Prompts
Cross off each prompt as you use them, or just pick your favourites!
It's a Hard Knock Life
- Life is full of hard lessons we need to learn. Write about a life lesson you have recently learned.
Betrayal is Pain
- Write from the viewpoint of a betrayer. Is there regret? What are their reasons? Will readers accept them?
Historical Snapshot
- Write a poem surrounding a moment in history, perfectly capturing one single perception of events.
- Write a multi-stanza poem with each stanza alternating between people who are opposite to each other.
Primal Fear
- Try your best to paint the feeling of fear with your words.
Once Upon A Time
- Take a fairy tale you know well, write a poem based on the story or one of the characters.
It Wasn't Me
- Write a comedic or angsty first-person poem that starts with the line 'It wasn't me'.

When I Grow Up
- Turn back time. Write from the viewpoint of your younger self. What were your thoughts and outlook?
A Furry Perspective
- Write a poem surrounding a moment in history, perfectly capturing one single perception of events.
- Falling in love takes many forms and incorporates a great number of thoughts and feelings.
Wish You Were Here
- Think of a place you travelled to that stands out in your mind. Write a poem based around that location.
Five Senses
- Recount an experience you have had, big or small, and bring descriptions to life by including your senses.
Build Up
- Write a poem surrounding a moment in history, perfectly capturing one single perception of events.
- Write a poem that explores the idea of a dystopian/destroyed earth.
Four Seasons
- Do you have a favourite season? Write about what the world looks like during those months.

Seven Deadly Sins Part 1
- Envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath. Choose one and write a poem on that topic.
Seven Deadly Sins Part 2
- Envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath. Write a poem that allows each sin one stanza to shine.
- Write a poem that subverts the reader's expectations.
My Kinda Street
- Write an acrostic poem where the first letter of each line spells out the name of a street you grew up on.
- What is destiny? Is it real, or an escape from responsibility? Explore this theme in a poem.